Fred Tumwebaze started Omega School under a mango tree in Buwenge, Uganda in 2002 in response to the overwhelming condition of the children in his country. Children in Uganda have been the innocent victims of the AIDS epidemic, which has orphaned almost 2 million children (11 million in Africa). The disease has left most of the orphaned children ravaged by poverty.
After planting Buwenge Church in 1998, Fred recognized the need for a school which would provide, not just an education, but a child’s basic needs as well. Public school in Uganda requires that the students purchase a uniform, books, pens, and pencils. Most can barely purchase food, much less a piece of clothing, leaving a huge majority of children unable to be educated and in great physical need. Thus Omega School was born.
Through the school, children are linked with a sponsor. The funds provided through sponsorship help the children get a great education at Omega School and are loved and cared for physically as well, including medical treatment, if needed.

The little school under the Mango tree has grown to over 500 students thanks to the generosity of sponsors. It continues to grow as more children seek assistance from the school increasing the need for more sponsors to meet these needs. As you can probably understand, it is very difficult for Fred, his administrators, and teachers to turn kids away when their need is so great. They personally care for these children and are endeavoring to provide a better facility with more opportunities and services that most of us, especially here in the US, take for granted, such as restrooms and an on-site well.
Generous donations have provided for these basic needs in addition to buildings, desks, an improved kitchen, and a library.
Thank you to those who have loved the children at Omega school with their generous gifts and for those who are considering it.
We want to encourage you to partner with us in this great work!
They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ Matthew 25:44-45